International Council on Alcohol and Addictions

Conseil international sur les problèmes de l’ alcoolisme et des toxicomanies


Placed by its constitution and history in a position at the crossroads of the whole spectrum of addictive behaviours, ICAA aims to provide a global, multi-topical neutral forum in which NGOs and other organisations can meet as equals and in which all shades of opinion regarding addictive behaviour and its management are welcome.

A key feature of ICAA’s work has always been to provide a channel for communication between all stakeholders in the field of addictive behaviour and as one element of this activity the ICAA Marketplace is available for the promotion of relevant conferences, seminars and publications.

Available free of charge to NGO’s and to ICAA Members, the Marketplace offers a location where links can be found to conferences, seminars and publications on any and all aspects of addictive behaviour.

A small administration charge may be made for statutory or commercial bodies wishing to place marketing information on this site.

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