International Council on Alcohol and Addictions

Conseil international sur les problèmes de l’ alcoolisme et des toxicomanies

Research Section

ICAA is committed to the promotion of legitimate research into any and all aspects of addictive behaviour and associated issues.

This section of the website aims to provide links to research resources globally.

Researchers wishing their work to be accessed from this site are invited to submit a summary and link to the appropriate page to or to

Papers presented to Convention on Women in Addiction the the 2020s Stockholm 2016

The ICAA Library – DATA Archer Tongue Collection is a joint project of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) and the German Archive for Temperance and Abstinence Literature (DATA). Both institutions have pooled their stocks of literature. The purpose of this co-operation is assisting and promoting young people who want to undertake research on alcohol .

The collection can be accessed at the University of Magdeburg – see ICAA Library – DATA Archer Tongue Collection HS Magdeburg